Cattle Dogs are workaholics. Thelma & Louise work, even when they play . . . and they always do it together, as a team. I get tired just watching them:
"Hey Weezy! Let's play! Whoo who!"

"Together now, let's go! "Mission control, we have lift off!"

Destination: Round pen (for round toy play, of course). Where no dog toy has gone before.
"We think we can; we think we can; we think we can . . ."
God speed, Thelma & Louise!
Thelma, "No tugging allowed!"
Louise, "I'm not tugging!"
Louise, "But Capn' she can't take much more of this . . . the donut's about to blow!"
Thelma, "It's hard to believe we come from the same litter . . . Move it! Move it! Move it!"
"Turn right, Thelma . . ."

Thelma, "I love it when a plan comes together."
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