Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cleaning Corrals

"Excuse me . . . pardon me, big dawg coming through . . . how's it going? Woof! Mind if I squeeze by? Bark, Bark, Bark . . . grrrr! Weezy . . . Thelma . . . over here! Weezy quit eating that horse poop!" --Just another day cleaning corrals at the Ranch. Wasn't it Robert Duval who said, "I just love the smell of horse poop in the morning!"

Papa calls the horses "hay burners." We are a "green ranch"--our horses do a great job of recycling hay.

Frankly, us ranch dogs find it all very tasty! Thelma, Louise & I do our best to "recycle the recycled hay."

Now, back to work . . . "Make room for Big Dawg!" Bark, woof! (Move please!)" Yum, that pile looks tasty . . .

Ah . . . there's Papa in his truck. He can never stay up with me; I even get better mileage. However, it is a green truck for our green ranch . . . gotta run! Eat my dust, Papa! Ouch--that rock I kicked up left a nasty pit in Papa's windshield . . . oops!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pretty Willow

I'm always looking out for Willow.

She put on 40 pounds during her first couple of weeks, and we are hoping for another 160 or more pounds. She is still a string bean. But she sure is purty . . .

Her next adventure will be a trip to the horse dentist . . . poor thang . . .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm a Little Hoarse

Begin countdown:
TEN . . .
Trailer attached -- Check!
NINE . . .
Tire air levels -- Check!
EIGHT . . .
Trailer lights -- Check!
SEVEN . . .
Break lights -- Check!
SIX . . .
Big dawg navigator in back of pick up truck -- Check!

FIVE . . .
Signal turning lights functioning -- CHECK
FOUR . . .
Thelma & Weezy behaving nicely on ranch ground control-- Check!

THREE . . .
Commencing engine startup -- Check!
TWO . . .
Air conditioning turned on full blast . . .
ONE . . .
Truck & trailer inching forward out of ranch launching pad . . .

Mama, papa and Dukie begin their brave and historic adventure to go to ranch unknown and pickup a horse unknown, who is desperately in need of a rescue, in order to survive.

Blastoff for a horse rescue -- horse in bad shape -- Mama, Papa, and Dukie are on their way to save a horse . . .

Horse retrieved; in bad shape; but survived her trip to her new re-hab station on our ranch. Truck and trailer circle the home arena and ease to a "Whoa!"

Mission accomplished! We now have a new little string bean by the name of Willow. Willow is a gaited horse and in need of nourishment, care for her boo-boos, and TLC.

Engines shut down--Check!
New horse in round pen--Check!
Dukie hungry--Check!
This is Dukie over & out. (I'll keep you posted.)