10:20 a.m. Swing by Soapie's and see if the eggs hatched yet.
10:23 a.m. There she goes, off doing her simulated broken wing flappin' and carrying-on to divert my attention away from the nest. Let's take a peek from my overhead dog's eye view dog cam:

Ya-hoooooollll!!! Two of them--snuggled together in opposite directions. Shhhh . . . I'd better not alarm them; also, need to trot out of here so as not to upset Soapie much.
10:28 a.m. Hooking up with Papa. More ranch winged friends to see. Papa is visiting with Mothra, who loves to hang out near the bug zapper and tarp near the hay barn.
10:40 a.m. Checking out the horse stall perimeter; no sign of the tiny rattlesnake baby. So many babies this time of year!

10:50 a.m. Unwrap Thelma & Louise from the terracotta garden hose keeper and put the hose back.
10:55 a.m. Report back to Queenie. Did I tell you? She's back!
11:00 a.m. Take a rest; Queenie watching over. Can you see her?Here . . . let's get closer . . .
It's good to have her back.